Don't get me wrong here, I absolutely love Paris, uni generally is great (if a little challenging but i'll get used to that) and Paris is super magical and exciting etc. but I feel I need to vent some of the things that have been driving me mad and hopefully then I can feel happier about them:
1) I still don't have internet. It took them over a week to manually cancel the old tenants contracts. A further 3 days for this to take effect for them to then be able to give me a box, and now its going to take 2 weeks for them to activate my line?!?! How can it take 2 weeks to activate an internet line that it took only 3 days to cancel? and why should I have to pay this month of internet when half of the month i'm not actually going to have any internet? I don't know if it is Bouygues or just France that is generally incompetent and slow, but this is getting annoying now. I am going to have used all the date on my phone (because this is my only internet when at home) way before the end of the month, and then have to pay Bouygues even more money...
2) For my lecture "Espace Mondiale" each week we have to read the core article and then write a 500 word summary on the main theory, how the author argues this and it's limitations. This week it was this article: http://conflits.revues.org/267 It took me literally hours to read and understand enough to be able summarise the key points and try to identify limitations. But then we get to class and she only collects a random handful each week, and this week mine wasn't one of them (!!). Whilst I get that obviously it's important to read the articles every week anyway its just frustrating when you spend so long on it and then its not even going to get looked at. I don't even know if I properly understood the article! I never will know.
3) I have a 4 hour gap until my next lecture at 7.15pm. I just bought a sandwich, found a nice table (near a plug, currently only 11% laptop battery) and as i'm sitting down someone else plugs their laptop in the plug socket. I have 42 minutes of power remaining on my Macbook and 4 hours until my next lecture. HELP. I even remembered my adaptor today. The other day I was so proud to find a plug spot until I realised I didn't have a plug adaptor and so couldn't plug in my charger anyway.
4) In France, you can't get out 10€ at a cash point, the minimum you can get is 20€, but when you get 20€ they give you two 10 euro notes!! Where is the logic in that? Oh, and by the way you can apparently get 1000€ out at a cash point (not sure this is true but it comes up as an option on the screen). It doesn't make sense.
On the plus side the sun is shining today and its a lot warmer, and Paris is much nicer when it's sunny and warm so it's not all bad but my current mood is #firstworldproblems #yearabroadfail
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