Since this is my 100th blog post since the start of my blog, nearly a year ago, I have decided to do a post which summarises the highlights of the past year. When you look back on it I have had a pretty awesome year and done some pretty amazing things.
Summer 2012 in the South of France. Family friends from back home have a place in Antibes and a boat which we were lucky enough to go out on for the day. The most fun but this photo pretty much summarises a great 5 weeks sunning in the south.
I then took off to Italy for a week of inter-railing with my best friends. We went from Genoa, down through the Cinque Terre villages to Florence and Lucca and then across to Venice. Met some awesome americans, ate pizza and had a generally bellisimo time.
I started my art foundation at Ravensbourne in London in September and though I lived at home for the year I moved up to a hostel in Greenwich for freshers week with three guys who I hardly knew at the time. This was from the masked ball taken with my pal Joey, who has provided me with a home every night that i've gone out in London this year. Thanks, Joe.
In November I turned 19. I felt so old. I can't believe that in a few months I am going to be 20 and next year I will be 21. Too crazy. But as long as I am with my best friends celebrating it will be ok.
I went on the Ravensbourne ski trip in December, one of the best weeks of my life, ever. I took along a friend from home, and another friend happens to have an appartment in the resort we went to. Snowboarding, partying, great people, great memories, just the best week.
Dreams came true at Easter when I went to the Carribbean with my family. 10 days in the Dominican Republic, perfect blue sea, sky and lush white sands, endless mojitos, zumba, and GOs that look like Leo DiCaprio; just take me back.

In March I went to Berlin as research for my final major project as part of my art foundation course. Berlin is such a cool and inspirational city although it was freezing when I went and I don't like the cold. Finished the project and foundation with a merit. A great use of a year, lots of fun and hard work at the same time but completely worth it.
My dad took my sisters and I to Glastonbury at the end of June. It is like no other place I have ever been. A completely crazy weekend with incredible music and the largest gathering of people I think I have ever been a part of. Truely unforgettable. I already can't wait to go next year. Hint hint, Dad.
Whilst in Paris I hit Disneyland, twice, once with my fave boy and once with my sister. It was just as magical and incredible as I had remembered it from when I was little. I definitely think if all else fails in life then I am going to become a princess and live at Disneyland forever.
I spent 5 weeks in Paris this summer doing an internship with a fashion buying office. The first step into the big wide world for me, living alone, living abroad, working 9-5, exploring the city where I was born. It was an amazing 5 weeks, I had my best friends come to visit, I lived like a true Parisien, and now i'm enjoying the sunshine in the south of France, just like I did one year ago.
Here's to the next 100 blog posts!
P.S. I'm sorry if this is hugely cringey.
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