Wednesday 17 October 2012

3D Design- Day 3

I spent the entire day glueing together spaghetti to hold plastic balls. It is literally as simple as that. Except using a hot glue gun on spaghetti is not simple, because the spaghetti goes soft, and snaps. And trying to suspend and balance three balls off the ground using only thin spaghetti is not simple either, when the weight of one ball can cause the supporting spaghetti to break. But I like a challenge and eventually I managed it. I didn't want to just create a tower to hold them off the ground. 

We then had to cover the structures in paper to try and make them strong enough to withstand a basketball being dropped on them. Only one person in our class managed to do this and their structure did not get completely crushed by the basketball. That person was not me. 
This was what it looked like before it was completely destroyed. I didn't take a picture of it afterwards. It wasn't a pretty sight. 

That's all the pathways done now. I'm still going to choose Fashion & Textiles but it's been really interesting to try out everything else and learn some new things. 

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Wednesday 17 October 2012

3D Design- Day 3

I spent the entire day glueing together spaghetti to hold plastic balls. It is literally as simple as that. Except using a hot glue gun on spaghetti is not simple, because the spaghetti goes soft, and snaps. And trying to suspend and balance three balls off the ground using only thin spaghetti is not simple either, when the weight of one ball can cause the supporting spaghetti to break. But I like a challenge and eventually I managed it. I didn't want to just create a tower to hold them off the ground. 

We then had to cover the structures in paper to try and make them strong enough to withstand a basketball being dropped on them. Only one person in our class managed to do this and their structure did not get completely crushed by the basketball. That person was not me. 
This was what it looked like before it was completely destroyed. I didn't take a picture of it afterwards. It wasn't a pretty sight. 

That's all the pathways done now. I'm still going to choose Fashion & Textiles but it's been really interesting to try out everything else and learn some new things. 

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